Trusted by top institutions

Seamless Integration
Easily integrate with Qualtrics, REDCap, SurveyMonkey, Typeform, and other third-party survey platforms. Maximize retention using Inclivio's real-time survey completion tracker.
Notify your participants by text message, WhatsApp, or email
Participants are notified when it is time to take their survey by text message, WhatsApp, or email. Participants do not need to download an app to participate in your study.
Hypercustomizable Schedules
Implement complex longitudinal research designs with our simple and intuitive user interface. Apply multiple schedules to participants to maximize flexibility and automate data collection.
Idiographic Research
Create unique schedules for each participant, add customized participant-level URL parameters to control survey flow with ease, and implement randomized within-person designs with the click of a button.
IRB Friendly
Participants' survey data stays on university-approved third-party platforms (e.g., Qualtrics, REDCap). Inclivio collects only the data necessary to notify your participants, and all data is encrypted at rest and in-transit.
Real-time Analytics
Monitor your project's activity in real-time to maximize participant retention. Reschedule pings dynamically based on participants' needs. Share your project with others on your team so they can help you out too.
How it Works
Use Cases
Momentary Assessment
- Fixed and random interval designs
- Measurement burst designs
- Ecological momentary interventions
- Within-subjects experimental research
- Event-contingent surveys and schedules
- Cohort studies
- Panel designs
- Prospective and retrospective studies
- Parallel and crossover clinical trials
- Step-wedged cluster randomized trials
- Longitudinal A/B testing
- Gain attitudinal and behavioral insights
- Understand your target audience
- Discover new business opportunities
- Stay ahead of your competitors
Pricing follows a simple pay-as-you-go model for each survey notification we send to your participants. Use the tools below to estimate the cost of your study, or email us to inquire further about pricing.
Calculate your cost:
Estimate does not include reminder pings. Price may vary if you send SMS to participants across multiple countries or use different modalities for each participant. Please contact us for additional support if needed.